Babélica: narrativas del devenir en Tierra ”Santa”

¿Qué sucedió en Tantura en 1948?

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  • #3235

    Desdoblo en Mutual esta publicación que se hizo originalmente el 13 de agosto en la página de Babélica en Facebook.


    ¿Qué sucedió en Tantura en 1948? La reciente presentación de un documental, y la discusión que ha desatado en Israel, es una oportunidad para revisar los elementos que entran en juego en la construcción de narrativas hegemónicas (del poder). Este texto, del director del documental, detalla esa discusión y brinda la oportunidad para revisar la historia, poner en juego otras narrativas – no necesariamente emergentes – que cuestionan la historia oficial ante la memoria, el (no) olvido y la (co)resistencia de los actores.

    [Extractos del texto: How to Cover Up a Massacre de Alon Schwarz

    Israelis should be ashamed of what happened in Tantura. They should also learn a lesson from it: There must never be a second Nakba. The term “Never again” also applies here.
    It should be understood that even in the unfathomable context of a post-Holocaust world, the incident in Tantura, and massacres in dozens of other places during the 1948 war cannot be justified. They should no longer be covered up and kept secret.
    That said, I personally don’t think the wheel of history can be turned backward. I don’t think the Jews need to give up their place in this country. But I am certain that, three-quarters of a century later, it’s time for us Israelis to be capable of looking in the mirror and realizing that we’re strong enough to recognize the suffering on the other side and to officially apologize for the war crimes carried out by our side during the 1948 war. It would be better for us all if we understood that we must take responsibility for the massive, planned expulsion that took place here, for which the current correct term is “ethnic cleansing.”
    We must do this while seeking ways that will allow for a reconciliation and an end to the conflict.

    I believe that the chance to change the never-ending state of war lies first in our ability to tell the truth. We must stop erasing the history and memory of the Palestinian people who share this land with us. We must recognize their right to mourn their catastrophe, even on our national Independence Day (or they can mourn together with us on our Memorial Day). We must recognize their right to wave their own national flag without our feeling threatened.

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    Andrés Gordillo López – ¿Qué tratamiento merece desde Historia e historiografía crítica?

    • Este debate fue modificado hace 2 años, 6 meses por José.
    • Este debate fue modificado hace 2 años, 6 meses por José.
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